About Us

Meet the Xtra-PC Team!
Millions of computers (and people’s hard-earned money) are thrown out every year, usually due to simple problems that can be easily fixed. Mark couldn’t stand the thought of that and wanted to do something about it.
Using his background in technology, Mark set off with his son Adam on a mission to come up with a way to help people get more life out of their outdated or broken computers.
What they came up with is Xtra-PC.
The team created Xtra-PC as an affordable and effective way to have an extra PC. Xtra-PC transforms old, unsupported PCs and laptops, allowing unused or compromised computers to be used again. We are committed to making old computers useful again and avoiding the unnecessary throwing away of hardware. Our location on the Colorado prairie defines our values of hard work, simplicity, sustainability, and the entrepreneurial spirit.
You can learn about Prairie IT's other incredibly popular technology innovation, ThePhotoStick®, by clicking here.
Say Hello!
Looking for help with your Xtra-PC Legacy or Xtra-PC Ultra? Or maybe you have a bit of valuable feedback for our team? Send us a message using the form below.